90 Minutes of Folds, Splits & Shoulders

A full contortion class where we touch on the lower body but focus on the shoulders. This makes it a very holistic session where we still progress nicely by emphasizing one area of the body in particular, the shoulders. A little bit of experience is for sure helpful, but in principle everyone is welcome. Just use the time and work with the level of intensity that suits you 🙂

Don´t miss the separate but specifically for this class designed aftercare video!

Level: All Levels
Length: 90 Minutes
What we need: A belt and eventually a weight (something between 2 & 8kg)

A full contortion class where we touch on the lower body but focus on the shoulders. This makes it a very holistic session where we still progress nicely by emphasizing one area of the body in particular, the shoulders. A little bit of experience is for sure helpful, but in principle everyone is welcome. Just use the time and work with the level of intensity that suits you 🙂

Don´t miss the separate but specifically for this class designed aftercare video!

Level: All Levels
Length: 90 Minutes
What we need: A belt and eventually a weight (something between 2 & 8kg)

Course Curriculum