Keywords: Voiceover | Holistic Warm-Up | Homework | Road to Hollowback | Shoulders & Upper Back
Length: Video length is 46 minutes, but plan in 60-75 minutes!
Category: Advanced – We will do flexibility work while being upside down. There will be a homework (self practice part) and you have to do a cooldown for yourself. So you should have a good amount of experience.
Materials: Chair & Wall
Enjoy 🙂
Hello, welcome 🙂 This masterclass is quite intense, definitely not easy, and probably a good challenge for you. So please don´t practice it when you are in a hurry. Take your time, listen to your body, take breaks whenever you need, and modify things to your needs (for example support with knees in push ups when it becomes too much. Here are some more information:
Level: Advanced | Length: 91 Minutes | Prerequisites: A good amount of experience with strength & flexibility work.
Keywords: Planks, Push-Ups, Superwoman/-man, Leg Lifts, Cobras, Upper Back&Shoulder Opening, Quad Stretching, Bows, Pigeons, Camel Variations, Drills with Bridges&Wheels, Drills with Laghu&Kapo, Cooldown of Glory: Counter Positions & Abs
Enjoy 🙂
In today´s class we will fold forward, we will open our hips and shoulders and then, finally, we move deeper into our backs to open the whole frontside of our body. To attend this class you need nothing but a mat and a wall. This is a session that not only will make you more flexible, but also very strong in all aspects. In terms of flexibility it might not be the most advanced or difficult class. Still, due to the intense combination of strength & flexibility work I recommend this class to an intermediate to advanced level. As always, have a good session and enjoy the stretch 🙂
Length: 91 Minutes
Prerequisites: A solid practice in all aspects.
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
What you need: Mat & Wall
Categories: Stretching, Contortion, Workout, Intermediate, Advanced
Welcome to 83 minutes of pure joy (lol)! This session is ideal for you if you want to work your whole body while still focusing on the middle split to improve it further. While the class itself is not necessarily that difficult, since it can be done on various levels of intensity, there are also not that many explanations or cues in this one. So an understanding of how to regulate the intensity and how to make things accessible or how to modify them in case you have to, that would be good to get the most out of this class. If you have that you will have a good time. So turn on your favorite music and zone out while following along to this 83 minute long class. If me saying that, however, is enough to make you feel uncomfortable, still, no worries! Just check out one of my many tutorials, classes or programs that are a bit more introductory in character and more suited for beginners or for a beginner to intermediate level.
Besides of that, don´t forget our golden rule: To make it challenging, but only in so far at it is still endurable, breathable and at least somewhat (lol) enjoyable. Now, without further ado, let´s goo
Length: 83 Minutes
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisites: Good music | Understanding of how to make things accessible
Categories: Intermediate | Advanced | Contortion | Workout | Stretching
Let´s open our shoulders and improve our ability to twist with this 70 minute long session. But we will not only work on our flexibility, but also on our strength💪 Take breaks whenever you need and/or modify if certain things are not accessible yet. This in mind, then everyone can work with this routine 🙂 Not saying that it will be easy though🔥
Length: 70 Minutes
Prerequisites: Joy for flexibility and bodyweight training
Level: All levels really
Categories: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Workout, Stretching, Contortion
Welcome to Leg Behind & Abs Burn! This time we will work through all the steps towards a successful leg behind position in a very diligent and detail orientated manner. If you feel stuck with your leg behinds this one might be the right one for you. On top of it we will work a lot on our abs and hip flexors to improve our folds, arm balances, l-sits and our ability to actively compress in general. Enjoy the burn🔥
Length: 72 Minutes
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisites: Some experience with folding and hip opening would be good. We will spend a lot of time in these positions, so you might want to have a little bit of depth and endurance already 🙂
Categories: Intermediate, Advanced, Stretching, Workout
How to achieve the Front Splits?! Well, if you are struggling with Front Splits know, you are not alone! Front Splits are one of my greatest weaknesses. Here is a 35 minute Front Split intensive that helps me to improve it further although it´s definitely not one of my best areas. Hard to enjoy this one, but try!😂
Length: 35 Minutes
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisites: Experience with hip opening
Categories: Stretching, Intermediate, Advanced, Road to…
My current routine 🙂 Make sure to be warmed up before going for it. Also note that this is a flexible routine that prepares every game to be deepened even further. So feel free to pause the video in case you want to deepen a certain area before moving on into the next section. Same holds for individual positions. If you feel like 5 breaths just were not enough, go for 10 and, if you feel the need to, add a couple of rounds.
Just to give you an example, I approached it like this: I did a 10 minute workout, then I did this routine, and afterwards I deepened backbends a bit further with scorpios and kandasana scorpio variations. On another day I would do the same thing, but instead of backbends I would deepen folds, leg behinds, shoulder rotations, twists or splits
Now let´s gooo and enjoy😁
Length: 59 Minutes
Level: Advanced
Categories: Advanced, Stretching
Let´s unlock this beautiful position and, by working towards it, improve familiar games, like middle splits and leg behinds, as well! I recommend to do it around 3 to 4 times per week, to make consistent progress with it.
Level: Modifications grant access for all levels
Length: 30 Minutes
Prerequisites: Some experience with Yoga/Stretching would be helpful 🙂
Find it here: Stretching/Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Get deeper folds fast with this routine! To get the most out of it I recommend to do it at least 3 to 6 times per week. Try it for two to four weeks and witness your progress 🙂
Length: 20 Minutes
Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: None, just start!
Category: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced