Advanced Full Body Flex! Let´s Gooo

My current routine 🙂 Make sure to be warmed up before going for it. Also note that this is a flexible routine that prepares every game to be deepened even further. So feel free to pause the video in case you want to deepen a certain area before moving on into the next section. Same holds for individual positions. If you feel like 5 breaths just were not enough, go for 10 and, if you feel the need to, add a couple of rounds.

Just to give you an example, I approached it like this: I did a 10 minute workout, then I did this routine, and afterwards I deepened backbends a bit further with scorpios and kandasana scorpio variations. On another day I would do the same thing, but instead of backbends I would deepen folds, leg behinds, shoulder rotations, twists or splits

Now let´s gooo and enjoy😁

Length: 59 Minutes
Level: Advanced
Categories: Advanced, Stretching

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