Artful Asanas - Sequence 1
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Length: 14 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence (Warm Up)
Level: Yoga experience would be good
Welcome to the first Sequence of Artful Asanas, the Standing Folds sequence. This Sequence is designed to not only help us deepen our folds to set a good foundation for the more complicated things to come, but also to strengthen our legs (particular hamstrings) and our back (particular lower back). Moreover we will work on our ability to rotate the hip (anterior pelvic tilt) and to extend our back in forward folding.
*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process ๐