Artful Asanas - Sequence 7
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Length: 23 Minutes
Prerequisites: Having practiced the Preparation Sequence or being warm and well prepared for some deeper frontbending. If you think this won´t be accessible I recommend to practice sequence 1,2 and 3 diligently to begin with 🙂
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Welcome to the seventh and final sequence of the Artful Asanas Series: Beyond Boundaries. This is all about deeper folds and various leg behinds. As already mentioned above, I highly recommend to more or less master sequence 1,2 and 3 before going after this one and then it will all work out for sure 🙂
In case it already is accessible enjoy positions that are beyond any boundaries like wider pigeon poses, butterflies, kandasana, yoga dandasana, eka pada sirsasana, omkarasana, kapilasana, buddhasana and more!
*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now or continue to work on everything that comes in advance. It will come. Trust the process 🙂