Length: 23 Minutes
Prerequisites: Having practiced the Preparation Sequence or being warm and well prepared for some deeper frontbending. If you think this wonΒ΄t be accessible I recommend to practice sequence 1,2 and 3 diligently to begin with πŸ™‚
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Welcome to the seventh and final sequence of the Artful Asanas Series: Beyond Boundaries. This is all about deeper folds and various leg behinds. As already mentioned above, I highly recommend to more or less master sequence 1,2 and 3 before going after this one and then it will all work out for sure πŸ™‚

In case it already is accessible enjoy positions that are beyond any boundaries like wider pigeon poses, butterflies, kandasana, yoga dandasana, eka pada sirsasana, omkarasana, kapilasana, buddhasana and more!

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now or continue to work on everything that comes in advance. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 32 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence and having practiced sequence 2, 3, 4 & 5 for a while.
Level: Advanced

Welcome to Artful Asanas Sequence 6 – Eternal Elevation. This is an advanced backbending sequence that presupposes quite a bit of opening in other areas, like the quads, hips, upper back and shoulders. This is why I recommend to diligently practice sequence 2, 3, 4 and 5 in case this sequence is not at all accessible to you yet.

In case it already is accessible enjoy the eternal elevation of postures like kapotasana, full bow, raja kapotasana and scorpio.

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 36 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence and having practiced sequence 2 and 3 for a while
Level: Yoga Experience (for example having practiced with my beginner and intermediate videos for 1 year on a regular basis)

Welcome to Artful Asanas sequence 5. This is a sequence dedicated to Backbending. You will lengthen your quads and open your hips, upper backs and shoulders. Not only will this help you to get easier and more comfortably into backbends that target the lower back as well, but all of these positions will become also more beautiful by becoming more aligned. We do not want to only open our lower backs, but we want to achieve fully balanced backbends from quads to head. Moreover, by practicing the upper back and shoulders in particular new positons will become achievable like the hollowbacks and mexican inversions.

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 45 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence
Level: Yoga Experience (for example having practiced with my beginner and intermediate videos for 1 year on a regular basis)

Welcome to the fourth sequence of Artful Asanas. This sequence is all about hip opening with the aim of sustainably achieving the front and the middle splits.

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 23 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence
Level: Yoga Experience (for example having practiced with my beginner and intermediate videos for 1 year on a regular basis)

Description coming soon…

Length: 24 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence
Level: Yoga Experience (for example having practiced with my beginner and intermediate videos for 1 year on a regular basis)

Welcome to the second sequence of Artful Asanas, the Shoulder Opening sequence. This sequence is designed to improve our posture, our active range motion and to help us with various binds or shapes that require a decent amount of shoulder mobility, like the bound turtle or firefly, the wheel, various flip grip positions or leg behinds like buddhasana.

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 14 Minutes
Prerequisites: Artful Asanas Preparation Sequence (Warm Up)
Level: Yoga experience would be good

Welcome to the first Sequence of Artful Asanas, the Standing Folds sequence. This Sequence is designed to not only help us deepen our folds to set a good foundation for the more complicated things to come, but also to strengthen our legs (particular hamstrings) and our back (particular lower back). Moreover we will work on our ability to rotate the hip (anterior pelvic tilt) and to extend our back in forward folding.

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

Length: 23 Minutes
Prerequisites: Yoga Experience (for example having practiced with my beginner and intermediate videos for 1 year on a regular basis)
Level: Intermediate

Welcome to Artful Asanas, a Yoga System dedicated to unlock your full potential. This system is more than a demonstration, it is a practice. Through intelligent and progressive sequences you will be able to achieve everything you want to achieve.

In this first class we will discover two special and updated variations of the sun salutations as well as a few first standing positions to prepare you well for the sequences to come.

Yoga is art. Discover Yoga as a means to express yourself creatively. Creativity and expertise go hand in hand. With know how comes freedom, in particular freedom in expression. This system is designed to give you this kind of expertise. Start to practice in the Artful Asana system and allow it to transform your practice from the core!

*Remember: It is not about how quickly you can do something, but about getting the right information into our systems. So take your time! If anything happens to quickly or is not accessible right away, pause the video and play around with it at your own pace. Also, if something is not accessible at all for whatever reason, no worries! Just skip it for now. It will come. Trust the process πŸ™‚

*No Music*

In this dynamic and challenging class, we will focus on creating the right foundations for achieving a handstand. The handstand requires not only strength and balance but also flexibility and body awareness. This class is specifically designed to prepare you for the handstand by focusing on the headstand.

We will begin with a holistic warm-up to activate your muscles and prepare your body for the upcoming exercises. Then, we will dive into various headstand techniques. The headstand is an excellent exercise for developing an understanding of inverting the body and enhancing alignment awareness.

Throughout the class, we will work on building your strength to provide the necessary stability for a handstand. Through targeted exercises, we will strengthen your arms, shoulders, and core muscles to support you in holding a handstand.

Additionally, we will improve your flexibility. Good shoulder, hip, and leg flexibility are crucial for a successful handstand. With specific stretching sequences and exercises, we will promote your mobility.

Whether you have prior experience with headstands or are just starting out, this class is suitable for all levels. Although it would be good if you had practiced the prior classes of this program!

I’d like to encourage you to join or stay with me on this exciting journey towards achieving the handstand!

Length: 25 Minutes

Level: All Levels

Prerequisites: Session 01 & 02 should be internalized at this point πŸ™‚