An easy and accessible routine. Try to do it regularly so that it can work it´s magic 🙂

Length: 13 Minutes
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: None

Categories: Beginner, Stretching

A nice and easy Hatha Class for you my friends. Enjoy 🙂

Length: 32 Minutes
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: None in particular but a little bit of yoga experience could be helpful. Otherwise just try your best and enjoy 🙂

Categories: Beginner, Yoga

Challenge yourself with this strong but fun flow that contains lot´s of arm balances but also shoulder stretches to counter out all the balancing. Enjoy 🙂

Length: 45 Minutes
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Prerequisites: Decent to good overall flexibility and strength. Experience with Armbalancing.

Categories: Intermediate, Advanced, Yoga

Let´s improve our handstands together my friends! This is a great routine that I am still using on a regular basis. It won´t be easy but we can struggle through it together. I am serious, it was quite hard for me as well😄 it´s ok😌

Length: 42 Minutes
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Decent overall flexibility and a good handstand (Shapes and switching in between them)

Find it here: Intermediate, Handstand Program

No worries my friends! It won´t kill you, it only makes you stronger💪😁

Length: 47 Minutes
Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Decent Front- & Backbending and decently opened Shoulders

Categories: Intermediate, Stretching

Beginner to intermediate backbending in a stretching style set up. Enjoy the stretch🖤

Length: 45 Minutes
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Prerequisites: None in particular, but you should not be a complete beginner when it comes to backbending. Otherwise just try your best and enjoy 🙂

Categories: Beginner, Intermediate, Stretching

This class is ideal for handstand beginners. We will focus a lot on creating the right presuppositions for handstands in terms of strength and flexibility. We will also have a look on how to kick into the handstand and how to safely fall out of it. Moreover we will use the wall to work productively on our future handstand to be🤸‍♀️

Length: 34 Minutes
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: A decent Headstand would be good 🙂

Category: Beginner, Handstand Program, Road to…

This Workout does it all! Strong biceps, shoulders, chest, back and core. Yet, is very accessible. You got this. Just try your best and take breaks whenever you need to🙌☺️

Length: 11 Minutes
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Prerequisites: None in particular, you got this 🙂

You thought stretching is hard and not enjoyable at all? Try this very accessible morning routine and let it transform your body and mind😮‍💨

Level: Beginner
Length: 18 Minutes
Prerequisites: None

An easier and very accessible workout for your lower body. Enjoy getting strong💪

Length: 13 Minutes
Level: Beginner
Prerequisites: None, just try your best and nurture your body with the best information 🙂