This is the aftercare & cooldown video for Folds, Splits & Shoulder Flex. I highly recommend to not skip it😛

Length: 15 Minutes
Level: All levels
Categories: Workout

A full contortion class where we touch on the lower body but focus on the shoulders. This makes it a very holistic session where we still progress nicely by emphasizing one area of the body in particular, the shoulders. A little bit of experience is for sure helpful, but in principle everyone is welcome. Just use the time and work with the level of intensity that suits you 🙂

Don´t miss the separate but specifically for this class designed aftercare video!

Level: All Levels
Length: 90 Minutes
What we need: A belt and eventually a weight (something between 2 & 8kg)

Don´t forget to work your Obliques my friends! Let´s bring them to heaven with this 11 minute long workout☄️

If you cannot go through the whole workout yet, pause the video, take breaks and reenter the workout when you feel ready again. You can also modify the exercises for example by elevating your buttocks a bit with hands underneath during the ab work, so that you can keep the lower back flexed and grounded
Besides of that make sure to enjoy the burn😄 We got this!

Length: 11 Minutes
Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: A will to fight a little😄

Category: Workout

One of my favorites lately! These just go so well together. Check it out and enjoy the stretch 🙂

Length: 34 Minnutes
Level: All levels really. Just go as far as you currently can
Prerequisites: Make sure to be warmed up properly 🙂

Category: Artful Asanas

Welcome to the probably most enjoyable 10 minutes of your life😄 Just kidding, we got this. As always, just modify the exercises to your needs, for example by supporting with your knees when it comes to pushing exercises or by having the fingers besides the ears instead of interlaced behind the head when it comes to the back work. Pausing the video, taking a break and reentering whenever you are ready is of course an option as well. Let´s do this💪🔥

Length: 10 Minutes
Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: None, but fight a little 😁

Category: Workout

Take your practice to the next level with this workout that focuses on lower abs and the backside of the body. No worries, if you need to take a break just pause the video and take it. Reenter the workout as soon as you feel ready again or just modify the positions to your needs for example by bringing the hands underneath the buttocks during the abs work or supporting with your knees on the mat in push up positions🔥

Seriously, instead of doing sun salutations over and over again as a warm up, try a workout as a warm up from time to time before your stretching routines and experience your practice evolving

Length: 11 Minutes
Level: All levels
Prerequisites: None, just fight💪😁
Categories: Workout

🔥10 Minute Push & Plank Workout🔥

Strengthen your core abs, shoulders and arms! Try to coordinate your energy levels in a way to get through these 10 minutes. Breathe normally and stay cool. You got this! If you need to take a break after all, no worries. Just pause the video, and take a break and continue whenever you are ready. If anything is too hard modify it to your needs (for example by supporting with your knees)
Enjoy 🙂

Category: Workout

Compliment your yoga practice with a strong lower body! I recommend to practice this at least once a week in addition to you regular yoga practice. You can also perfectly well use it as a warm up for your stretching routines.

This one really does it all: glutes, hip adductors/flexors/muscles, quads & hamstrings.

Try to coordinate your energy levels. Ideally you choose an endurable tempo and intensity to get through the session without breaks. But if it is too hard, pause the video, take a break and then continue or modify the exercises a bit. You got this 🙂


Length: 10minutes
Level: All Levels
Category: Workout
Prerequisites: None

Category: Handstand Program
Level: Intermediate
Length: 22 Minutes
Prerequisites: Having achieved a certain amount of strength, flexibility and inversion awareness (for example by having practiced a fair time with 01-05 of this program).

Let´s have a look on the right hand placement, the correct finger engagement, a look on how to get in and out of the handstand, and, arguably, on one of the best exercises to not only achieve but also to constantly improve your handstand further.

Category: Handstand Program
Level: Intermediate
Length: 22 Minutes
Prerequisites: Having achieved a solid headstand and basic strength and flexibility

More than “just” a Forearm Stand tutorial! This sequence will help you to develop the right strength, stability, flexibility and control to go way beyond the basic Forearm Stand shape.